
Make a Donation Today



All donations made in December 2024 will be matched up to $10,000!




Thank You for you Generosity

Since its founding, Riverview has benefited from generous donations of all kinds, beginning with the gift of land by John R. Nolan for the construction of the Terrace in the late 1950s. 

Today, we are grateful for the continued support from those who care about the mission and future of Riverview. Donations can be designated for specific purposes or for the general benefit of all Riverview residents. In addition, donations can be made to the Riverview Residents Assistance Foundation to provide financial support to residents who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in need.

Tax deductible gifts can be made at any time and for any reason. Donations can be given in memory or honor of someone, for a special giving campaign, or simply out of generosity. We accept qualified charitable distributions as well as gifts of stock and appreciated assets. You can also make a planned gift though your estate, life insurance policy, bequest, charitable fund, IRA, retirement account, or by designating a portion of your refundable accommodation fee. 

Donations can be directed toward:




A Gift to the Riverview Residents Assistance Foundation TIN # 82-06243249

Money donated to this endowment is never spent; instead, the earnings generated by the fund are distributed to residents in immediate need.  The fund is governed by the RRAF Board of Directors.


A Gift to the Riverview Community Fund TIN # 91-0824085
Funds are allocated for these purposes:



  • Community Enrichment
    • Designated for a specific purpose, event or need.  Riverview Presents, Alzheimer’s Walk, Community Builders, etc.

    • Or, undesignated to be used for the benefit of all when a need arises.

  • Staff Support
    • Helping staff in need.
    • Gifts to staff.
    • Staff employment and educational advancement.
    • Scholarship support for staff and their families.
  • Facility Development
    • Updates and enhancements to facilities.
    • Current and future improvement projects.

The fund is managed by the Riverview Leadership Team in partnership with the RRAF Board of Directors.




For donations or more information, contact our Development Coordinator, Alan Harbine, at 509-939-3979.

Riverview Resident Assistant Foundation's Board of Directors

Kathy Fleming – President

“I give because life happens. We don’t always have control. A hand up is appreciated.”

Roger Gaal – Vice President

“It’s a joy to know that my giving is helping someone else.”

Danie Monaghan – Riverview CEO

“The gift of being able to give often outweighs the gift that is given.”

Larry Butterfield

“It’s a blessing to be able to assist our neighbors.”

Corinne Carlson

“I give because I can.”

Dean Duncan

“It’s pleasure to give to the foundation and support our Riverview family.”

Grant Utter

“I give to help others because it’s the right thing to do.”

Rayna Lee Walker

“Giving from your heart heals the soul.”

Don Kiesbuy

“Giving is good for the soul.”

Martha Nerpel

“Giving is an essential part of my life.”

Alan Harbine – Development Coordinator

Alan is available to help you explore your charitable options.